RULES 2023








a)   The name of the Association shall be 

       'The South Yorkshire County Crown Green Bowling Association'.

RULE 2. AIMS     

a)   The objects of the Association shall be to organise and encourage competition bowling on any day of the season.  Bowling    throughout South Yorkshire will be prohibited on County Match days exceptions may be considered by the South Yorkshire County          Management Committee.


a)     The Association shall be governed by an Executive Management Committee, which shall be elected annually and shall consist of    a President, Deputy-President, Registrar, Secretary, Treasurer, Competition Secretary, County Coaching/Development Officer,             Safeguarding Officer, County Referee Representative, B.C.G.B.A. Management Representative and three representatives from each         District.  Life Members shall be considered ex-officio members of the South Yorkshire County Management Committee, with power to vote, as long as they take an active interest in the Association but must attend at least three meetings per year.

b)    Nominees for the above posts to be sent to the secretary 28 days before the January Annual General Meeting.

c)    The Secretary shall send post by e-mail where possible if not possible use second class post.

d)     The three representatives from each District shall make up the South Yorkshire County Management Committee.  Their respective District shall nominate the three representatives at the January Annual General Meeting. The President and Secretary to be in attendance at all meetings, and the Deputy-President and Competition Secretary to stand in for their absence.

e)     Dates shall be fixed at the beginning of each season for all South Yorkshire County Management Committee Meetings.  At least two from the three delegates from each district to be in attendance, unless by a valid reason. Districts who fail to comply with this rule to be fined £5.00 for each meeting not attended.                

f)     At South Yorkshire County Management Committee Meetings, six members being present shall form a quorum.                

g)     Life members may only be elected at a Annual General  Meeting of the Association.                

h)    The accounts of the Association shall be audited annually and a printed copy of the Balance Sheet sent to the Secretary of each Club or Organisation in Membership, together with a notice of the General Meeting at least seven days prior to the date agreed upon by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee..                

i)      As a General Rule the South Yorkshire County Management Committee may delegate any business to a Special Committee of the South Yorkshire County Management Committee except in the case of the ‘Selection of County Teams.’


a)     County Teams: Senior Men, Senior Ladies, Juniors and Veterans.  A General Manager for each of the County teams shall be elected at the January Annual General Meeting.                 

b)      Nominees for the above posts to be sent to the Secretary 28 days before the meeting, once elected, the General Manager of each County team will then select a Home and Away team Manager to assist in the selection of teams                 

c)     Teams and venues to be handed to the General Secretary when the selection has been agreed.

d)     Host club of any county match to cancel all home league matches  one week prior to county game.


a)    Any South Yorkshire Bowling Club, District Association or District League shall be eligible for membership.  Any Club wishing to   become a member of the S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. must affiliate to their relevant district and must be duly proposed and seconded and approved by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee before being admitted.

b)    Any Club playing in a league, which is affiliated, to a County other than its own must also affiliate to that County.               

c)     A condition of membership or affiliation to S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. is that your bowling green and facilities is to take precedence above all other fixtures or events except those of the B.C.G.B.A. 


a)   The Annual registration for each District Association, League and Affiliated Club shall be decided at the County Annual General Meeting.

b)    Any club which has not affiliated or paid fees due on the date given to its County Association shall be suspended, along with all its registered members from playing any form of competitive Crown Green Bowls until the affiliation fee is paid.                

c)     All club registrations must be received by the 31st March each year and invoices must be paid 7 days after invoice date.                

d)    All clubs in membership with the Association shall purchase annually not less than six copies of the Year Book plus one B.C.G.B.A. Year Book. Any club wishing any more Yearbooks can do so.


a)      All clubs playing competitive Crown Green Bowls under the rules of the British Crown Green Bowling Association shall be affiliated to their respective County Association.               

b)  All clubs must register all their players to the S.Y.C.C.G.B.A.  General Secretary before playing any competitive Crown Green Bowls by the 31st March each year; if a club is found to have played a unregistered player then they are liable to a suspension, fine or both.       

c)       Should any player, within the County, be a registered player of more than one Club and are in different Affiliated Districts, then the player must inform the secretaries of those clubs of the fact, and state to each which of those districts shall be their preferred choice for affiliation.  The player may then be eligible to play in any county representative event for that preferred district only, relinquishing all rights to represent any other district.  The secretaries of involved clubs must clearly notify to the County Secretary/Registrar of the player’s preference.  Under no circumstances will any player be allowed to affiliate through or represent more than one district.  Any attempt to do so, or the foregoing will lead to the offending player being disqualified without recourse from the event so entered.

d)      All Affiliated Clubs shall supply an annual list of all their registered players, this to include social and pleasure bowlers.  The County registration fee shall only be required from a player’s principal club with a record of any other clubs with whom they may also play.                              

e)     The County registration fee will only be required from a player’s principal club.  However, non-registration will mean that any club which plays an unregistered player will be subject to a fine not exceeding £5 per player per game plus a recommendation that the League in question negate the players score in any matches that have been played.                

f)     Clubs may register new players then or any time thereafter throughout the year along with the additional BCGBA membership fee.

g)     Player’s registration fees shall be decided at the County Annual General Meeting.                

h)    Only registered players will be eligible to play any form of competitive Crown Green Bowls in South Yorkshire.                

i)      Non-payment of player’s registrations by 31st March for the current year will result in a fine of £10 per player.                

j)     Registrations to be sent electronically not later than 31st March.

k)    All members will be issued with their own registration number and card.  They must produce their current registration number/card when joining any District Association, League, Competition or any form of competitive bowling approved by

 S. Y.C.C.G.B.A.

l)   If any member is unable to produce their current registration number/card they will not be able to play in any District Association, League, Competition or any form of competitive bowling approved by the  S.Y. C.C.G.B.A.


a)     All competitions organised by the Association with the exception of the South Yorkshire Senior County Merit shall be open to male and female members of the clubs in membership with the Association.

b)   The South Yorkshire Senior County Merit shall be open only to male members of clubs in membership with the Association.

c)   The South Yorkshire Junior County Merit shall be open to all players of affiliated S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. clubs that have not reached the age of 18 on the 1st  January of that year.               

d)    In all Singles and Doubles Competitions run by the S.Y. C.C.G.B.A. players must be registered members of an affiliated club, any bowler opting for another County Association as their Main County other than the S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. shall not be eligible to play.

e)     All County Competition winners will be paid on the day and then presented with trophy at Annual General Meeting.               

f)     All players entitled to competition winnings must be present at the end of the competition to receive their prize money (Last 8), failure to do so will result in forfeiting their prize money which will be returned to S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. funds.

g)    Any player failing to compete in the final of any S.Y. C..C.G.B.A. (except one day events run by S.Y.C..C.G.B.A.) except by a valid reason approved by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee, shall be automatically suspended from entering any S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. competition for period of 12 months, subsequent offences will carry a penalty of 3 years.       

h)      All S.Y. C.C.G.B.A. Finals to be played on greens approved by the Management Committee.

 i)       In All County Competitions, players are to adopt The British Crown Green Bowling Association dress code.


a)     Any club proposing to promote an 'Open' Competition whether or not entries are confined to bowlers within the County area, must first apply to the S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. Competition Secretary for approval of their proposed competition dates.  But must come from club secretaries only.  Along with the fee for both S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. and B.C.G.B.A. certificates (fee to be determined by S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. and B.C.G.B.A. committees).                

b)    The Competition Secretary must receive the application at least 14 days before the commencement of the contest, if the club fail to notify the S.Y. C.C.G.B.A. Competition Secretary they will be liable to a fine of £20.

c)     Clubs must display on the entry form and all forms of publicity relating to the event, the words 'AFFILIATED TO AND APPROVED BY THE SOUTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY CROWN GREEN BOWLING ASSOCIATION'.

d)   All invitation competitions must get S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. approval and certificate and if invites outside of S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. must also obtain B.C.G.B.A. certificate via S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. competition secretary.

e)     The club  must  display on the entry form and all forms of publicity relating to the event, the words 'AFFILIATED TO AND APPROVED BY THE BRITISH CROWN GREEN BOWLING ASSOCIATION AND THE SOUTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY CROWN GREEN BOWLING ASSOCIATION' . Must also display both S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. and B.C.G.B.A. certificates.            

f)     All 'Open' Competitions approved by the S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. must have a standard handicap of 3 points for home players these to be on the card at the start of the game and play up to 21.

g)     Any player knowingly taking part in any contest where approval has not been obtained in accordance with bye-law 9 shall be suspended for a period of not less than one year and be reported to the B.C.G.B.A. for confirmation of such suspension.               

h)    No final stage of 'Open Competition’ to be contested on the date nominated as the final day of the B.C.G.B.A. Merit.


a)     Notice of proposed amendments to the Rules or County Cup, Mason Cup and Match Rules of the Association may be given by South Yorkshire County Management Committee or any Club (secretary only), in writing, and received by the County General Secretary on or before the 28th November.  The County General Secretary will then notify all Clubs of the proposed rule changes, by no later than 21st December.

b)    Clubs if they so desire should then send any amendments to the new proposed rule changes to the County General Secretary by the 28th December at the latest. 

c)     No amendments put forward at the Annual General Meeting will be allowed.

d)    A seconder for the proposal shall be requested at the Annual General Meeting.  Copies of the proposals to be sent to the Clubs and Organisations in Membership with the Association.

e)  One GENERAL MEETING will be held annually on the fourth Saturday in the month of JANUARY for the election of Officials, consideration of Rules and the transaction of business for the ensuing season.  Non-attendance of the A.G.M. will result in a fine of £10                              

g)     Any proposal to alter a Rules must achieve 60% vote in favour of those present at the General Meeting.  Any proposal to alter a competition rule must achieve a majority vote in favour of those present at the General Meeting.              

h)    Each Club and Organisation shall be furnished with a copy of the Rules and Laws of the Game.              


a)     Registered Clubs/Organisations, County Managers, Life Members, committee members shall be entitled to one vote only

b)    When matters are required and are to be decided by a vote, each club will be entitled to one vote, to be cast by a bona fide member of that club via a voting card.        One Person One vote.


a)     The General Secretary shall convene a Special General Meeting at any time on receiving requisitions to that effect, signed by the Secretaries of not less than two Districts.

RULE 13. APPEAL               

a)     If a player makes a complaint and fails to get satisfaction from his Club, League, Association or County Association, he shall have the right to appeal to the British Crown Green Bowling Association.


 a)     Please see British Crown Green Bowling Association  additional pamphlet.


 a)   South Yorkshire county management committee shall have powers to apply and act upon and enforce the rules of the association and shall also have jurisdiction over all matters affecting the association including any not provided for by rules.

                Decisions of the South Yorkshire county management committee shall be final and binding.


 a)    Should the management committee of the Association, by a majority, decide, on grounds of expediency or otherwise, to dissolve the Association, it shall call a meeting of all members of the Association (as defined in Rule 5) giving 21 days notice.       

b)    At this meeting, if a two thirds majority of those present, entitled to vote and voting decide to dissolve the Association, the management committee shall have the power to dispose of the assets of the Association after all liabilities have been cleared.             

c)     The beneficiaries of such assets shall be the member clubs of the Association or such charities as decided by a majority of the members of the Association. 




 1      A cup known, as 'The South Yorkshire County Cup' shall be competed for annually by Clubs in membership with the South Yorkshire County Crown Green Bowling Association and are  primarily affiliated to South Yorkshire, on the payment of £10.00 entrance fee, the fee to be determined at the January Annual General Meeting.

2      A second cup known as 'The South Yorkshire County Rose Bowl' shall be competed for by the Clubs defeated in the early rounds of 'The South Yorkshire County Cup'.  The same conditions and dates shall apply as for the premiere competition.

3      A cup known, as 'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup' shall be competed for annually, by Clubs in membership with the South Yorkshire County Crown Green Bowling Association, and are primarily affiliated to South Yorkshire,on payment of £10.00 entrance fee, the fee to be determined at the January Annual General Meeting.

4      Any Club wishing to enter 'The South Yorkshire County Cup' should give notice to the County General Secretary before the draw is made, any Club wishing to enter more than one team in 'The South Yorkshire County Cup' may do so on an additional fee of £10.00 per team.

5      Any Club wishing to enter 'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup' should give notice to the County General Secretary before the draw is made, any Club wishing to enter more than one team in 'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup' may do so on an additional fee of £10.00 per team.

6      All competitions prize money to be determined by fees, sponsorship and county funds.  South Yorkshire County Management Committee to decide.

7      The teams competing in 'The South Yorkshire County Cup/Rose Bowl' shall number ten players each, the teams competing in 'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup' shall number eight players each.

8      All players will be registered playing members of the Club represented by such a team i.e. who are registered playing members of their Club in the District or League, which in turn is affiliated to the S.Y. C.C.G.B.A.

9      Only registered playing members of an affiliated Club shall be able to enter.

10    All players registered with the B.C.G.B.A. shall be allowed to play in the South Yorkshire Mason Cup irrespective of which County they choose as their Main County.

11    If any Club enters more than one team in 'The South Yorkshire County Cup/Rose Bowl' or 'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup' Competitions the members of that Club who have played in the 'B' or 'C' teams may play in the same 'A' or 'B' teams in a later round, but having played in the 'A' or 'B' teams they cannot revert to the 'B' or 'C' teams.

12    The order of play of team members in 'The South Yorkshire County Cup/Rose Bowl' Competitions shall be numbered 1 to 10 by the team captain before commencement of the tie.

13     The order of play of team members in 'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup' Competitions shall be numbered 1 to 8 by the team captains before the commencement of the tie.

14    Alternative members of each team will lead the jack; the first team drawn in the tie shall lead the jack.

15    All games are 21 up.

16    'The South Yorkshire County Cup' and 'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup' Competitions shall commence on a date to be decided by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee.

17    The Selection of all greens for Cup-ties, County matches and all other Competitions shall be left in the hands of the South Yorkshire County Management Committee.

18    All games shall be played on neutral greens attached to the Clubs enrolled in the Association.

19    Clubs entering 'The South Yorkshire County Cup/Rose Bowl' and 'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup' Competitions must have their greens available for rounds of these Competitions if required.

20    Clubs not entering these Competitions must make there green available if asked by the General Secretary. 

21    The host club will pay for any greenage fees.

22    The South Yorkshire County Management Committee, reserves to itself the right to change the green upon which a tie has been decided to be played.

23    The host Club to provide two measurers and the Captains of the two teams competing to officiate at the game, except in the cases where a referee is provided by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee.

24    The host Club must provide the jacks, measurers and mats for matches in connection with the  S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. Competitions, except in cases where they are provided by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee.

25       All S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. fixtures and Cup Competition games shall be arranged by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee, any Club failing to play on the day fixed by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee, may be disqualified.

26      Should the referee decide that the green be unfit for play, then the game shall be played on a day mutually agreed upon within 14 days of the original date.

27    The referee or some responsible official of the Club on whose green the game should take place, must inform the competing Clubs not later than 11 a.m. 'The South Yorkshire County Cup/Rose Bowl' and/or 4 p.m. 'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup's in his opinion play is impossible that day.

28    Any Club team in 'The South Yorkshire County Cup/Rose Bowl' or 'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup' Competitions who fail to turn up without giving 48 hours notice to the County General Secretary, to their opponents and to the Club on whose green the match is fixed, shall be liable for a fine and shall also be dealt with as the South Yorkshire County Management Committee sees fit.

29    ‘The entire South Yorkshire County Cup/Rose Bowl' and 'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup' matches must be played on the dates fixed by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee.  South Yorkshire Cup matches shall take precedence over all other matches.  Only under special circumstances, such as inclement weather causing the green to be unfit to play on, shall the South Yorkshire County Management Committee have the authority to rearrange the date of the matches.

30       No play shall be permitted on the neutral green that has been selected by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee by any player of the two competing teams after the draw has been made, unless in their own Clubs League/Cup programme.  A violation of this rule by a player will render his Club liable to disqualification.

31    Greens must be cleared immediately after the arrival of either of the competing teams in 'The South Yorkshire County Cup/Rose Bowl' or 'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup' Competition matches.

32      The South Yorkshire County Cup/Rose Bowl' matches should commence not later than 2 p.m.  'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup' matches should commence not later than 7 p.m.  Scratching time for all matches 30 minutes after the designated time and           teams not arriving by this time may be fined at the discretion of the South Yorkshire County  Management Committee.

33    In all 'The South Yorkshire County Cup/Rose Bowl' or 'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup' matches only 5 minutes grace may be allowed to any player after being called upon to play, unless mutually agreed by the two captains.  After which a substitute should be named to play.

34    Standard jacks must be used in all S.Y. C.C.G.B.A. Competitions.

35   Should either club in connection with any dispute or protest have a member on the South Yorkshire County Management Committee, the said member shall not be eligible to sit on the South Yorkshire County Management Committee while such a dispute or protest is being considered.

36    If a match is drawn in the County Cup, Rose Bowl or Mason Cup the following will apply number of winners will determine the result if still a tie the highest individual winner, if still a tie the second highest individual winner and so on until a result is known.

37    The winning Club shall be responsible for sending the official result sheet to the County Competition Secretary electronically within 24 hours failure to do so will be dealt with by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee and may result in being scratched from the competition.

38    In the case of the Semi-Final and Final ties, the proceeds (raffle and gate) shall be for the benefit of the South Yorkshire County Crown Green Bowling Association funds.

39    No player can play in the County Cup, Rose Bowl or Mason Cup Semi Final or Final if they were registered after the quarter final date.

40    The order of play for Teams and the names of Competitors competing in the Final Day of Cup competitions must be sent to the County Competition Secretary when requested.  Cup/Rose Bowl to be named 10 person and 4 named reserves, all named players and named reserves must play before any other club member.  Mason cup teams to be named 8 person and 4 named reserves, all named players and named reserves must play before any other club member.  Left hand side of programme will be blue numbers and odd jacks. Right hand side of programme will be red numbers and even jacks. (Semi final and Final only).

41    Any team in the final of the Rose Bowl must play at least six players who have played in the game that qualified them for the Rose Bowl Competition.

42      The winning Clubs shall be handed the trophy on the finals day and then handed back to the S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. Competition Secretary no later than 30th November ready for engraving and distribution at the Annual General Meeting/ Presentation in January. The County Cup/Rose Bowl/Mason Cup then returned no later than the following years final.  Failure to do so will result in a £20 fine for the club.

43    The South Yorkshire County Management Committee reserves to itself the right to cancel the entry for 'The South Yorkshire County Cup' or 'The South Yorkshire Mason Cup' Competitions of any Club, which shall knowingly and wilfully infringe these rules.

44    All Individual Competitions and County Matches shall be arranged and carried out by the Competition Secretary

45    In any Merit or Handicap Competition any player having a 'walk-over' and being required to meet an opponent in the next round who has already played on that green in a proceeding round shall be entitled to practice not exceeding ten minutes when called upon to play.

46      No District can play scheduled matches on the Senior or Veterans (in the afternoon) Merit district  round.

47    Any Club raising any objection under these rules shall do so within 48 hours after the match, and shall lodge £10.00 with the County General Secretary.  Which sum shall be forfeited should the South Yorkshire County Management Committee, consider the objection frivolous or groundless; and the decision of the South Yorkshire County Management Committee, in all cases shall be final.

48      The South Yorkshire County Management Committee are the sole interpreters of any Competition or County rules and from their decision there shall be no appeal, either at law or otherwise.

49    None of these rules shall be altered except at the January Annual General Meeting, duly convened by the County General Secretary who shall have received a copy of such proposed alterations on or before the 28th November prior to the January Annual General Meeting.

50    Dress Code for all players (Seniors, Juniors,  Ladies and Veterans)

         Trousers to be single coloured black only stud, rivets and zip pockets are not allowed nor are external pockets on the                    legs.  Tailored shorts must be knee length single coloured black stud, rivets and zip pockets are not allowed nor are                          external pockets on the legs.  Suitable footwear must be worn.  Hard blocked or open toed footwear must not be worn whilst on the green.  All shirts must be collared as per B.C.G.B.A. Handbook page 35




1        A Plate known, as 'The South Yorkshire County Handicap Plate' shall be competed for annually by Clubs in membership with the South Yorkshire County Crown Green Bowling Association, on the payment of £10.00 entrance fee, the fee to be determined at the January Annual General Meeting.

2        Any Club wishing to enter 'The South Yorkshire County Handicap Plate' should give notice to the County Secretary before the draw is made, any Club wishing to enter more than one team in 'The South Yorkshire County Handicap Plate' may do so on an additional fee of £10.00 per team.

3        All competitions prize money to be determined by fees, sponsorship and county funds. South Yorkshire County Management Committee. to decide.

4          The teams competing in 'The South Yorkshire Handicap Plate' shall number eight players each.

5         All players will be registered playing members of the Club represented by such a team i.e. who are registered playing members of their Club in the District or League, which in turn is affiliated to the S.Y C.C.G.B.A.

6        All players registered with the B.C.G.B.A. shall be allowed to play in the South Yorkshire Handicap Plate irrespective of which County they choose as their Main County.

7          Handicaps for teams will be selected by the Management Committee and range from Scratch to 98.

8          If any Club enters more than one team in ‘The South Yorkshire Handicap Plate Competition, the members of that Club who have played in the 'B' or 'C' teams may play in the same 'A' or 'B' teams in a later round, but having played in the 'A' or 'B' teams they cannot revert to the 'B' or 'C' teams.

9         No player once played for a team can play for any other team in this competition in any season (this includes teams from same club).

10      The order of play of team members in 'The South Yorkshire Handicap plate' Competitions shall be numbered 1 to 8 by the team captains before the commencement of the tie.

11        Alternative members of each team will lead the jack; the first team drawn in the tie shall lead the jack.

12        All games are 21 up.

13    'The South Yorkshire Handicap Plate' Competition shall commence on a date to be decided by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee.

14     The Selection of all greens for Cup-ties, County matches and all other Competitions shall be left in the hands of the South Yorkshire County Management Committee 

15        All games shall be played on neutral greens attached to the Clubs enrolled in the Association.

16    Clubs entering 'The South Yorkshire Handicap Plate' Competition must have their greens available for rounds of these Competitions if required.

17        Clubs not entering these Competitions must make there green available if asked by the secretary 

18        The host club will pay for the greenage fees, 

19        The South Yorkshire County Management Committee reserves to itself the right to change the green upon which a tie has been decided to be played.

20       The host Club to provide two measurers and the Captains of the two teams competing to officiate at the game, except in the cases where a referee is provided by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee.

21       The host Club must provide the jacks, measurers and mats for matches in connection with the S.Y.C.C.G.B.A Competitions, except in cases where they are provided by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee 

22   All S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. fixtures and Cup Competition games shall be arranged by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee any Club failing to play on the day fixed by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee may be disqualified.

23          Should the referee decide that the green be unfit for play, and then the game shall be played on a day mutually agreed upon.

24      The referee or some responsible official of the Club on whose green the game should take place, must contact the competing Clubs by 4 p.m stating that play is impossible that day.

25      Any Club team in 'The South Yorkshire Handicap Plate' Competition who fail to turn up without giving 48 hours notice to the County Secretary, to their opponents and to the Club on whose green the match is fixed, shall be liable for a fine and shall also be dealt with as the South Yorkshire County Management Committee sees fit.

26        The South Yorkshire Handicap Plate' the dates and greens to be decided by the Management Committee. Only under special circumstances, such as inclement weather causing the green to be unfit to play on, shall the South Yorkshire County Management Committee have the authority to rearrange the date of the matches.

27      No play shall be permitted on the neutral green that has been selected by the South Yorkshire County Management Committee by any player of the two competing teams after the draw has been made, unless in their own Clubs League/Cup programme.  A violation of this rule by a player will render his Club liable to disqualification.

28       Greens must be cleared immediately after the arrival of either of the competing teams in ''The South Yorkshire Handicap Plate' Competition matches.

29        The South Yorkshire Handicap Plate' matches should commence at 7 p.m.  Scratching time for all matches 30 minutes after the designated time and teams not arriving by this time may be fined at the discretion of the South Yorkshire County Management Committee 

30        The South Yorkshire Handicap Plate' matches only 5 minutes grace may be allowed to any player after being called upon to play, unless mutually agreed by the two captains. After which a substitute should be named to play.

31         Standard jacks must be used in all S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. Competitions.

32     Should either club in connection with any dispute or protest have a member on the South Yorkshire County Management Committee the said member shall not be eligible to sit on the South Yorkshire County Management Committee while such a dispute or protest is being considered.

33           If a match is drawn in the Handicap Plate the following will apply number of winners will determine the result if still a tie the highest individual winner, if still a tie the second highest individual winner and so on until a result is known.

34      The winning Club shall be responsible for sending the official result sheet to the County Competition Secretary by E-mail immediately following the completion of a match, in cases where the County Competition Secretary does not receive the result sheet by e mail by 24 hours following the date of the match the defaulting Club may be scratched from the competition.

35         In the case of the Semi-Final and Final ties, the proceeds shall be for the benefit of the South Yorkshire County Crown Green Bowling Association funds.

36         The order of play for Teams and the names of Competitors competing in the Final Day of Cup or Individual competitions must be sent to the County competition Secretary when requested.

37       The winning Clubs shall be handed the trophy on the finals day and then handed back to the S.Y.C.C.G.B.A. Competition Secretary no later than 30th November ready for engraving and distributed at the Annual General Meeting/ Presentation in January. The Handicap/Plate then returned no later than the following years final.  Failure to do so will result in a £20 fine for the club.

38         The South Yorkshire County Management Committee reserves to itself the right to cancel the entry for 'The South Yorkshire Plate' Competitions of any Club, which shall knowingly and wilfully infringe these rules.

39            Any Club raising any objection under these rules shall do so within 48 hours after the match, and shall lodge £10.00 with the County Secretary.  Which sum shall be forfeited should the South Yorkshire County Management Committee consider the objection frivolous or groundless; and the decision of the South Yorkshire County Management Committee in all cases shall be final.

40         The South Yorkshire County Management Committee are the sole interpreters of any Competition or County rules and from their decision there shall be no appeal, either at law or otherwise.

41        None of these rules shall be altered except at the January Annual General Meeting, duly convened by the County General Secretary who shall have received a copy of such proposed alterations on or before the 28th November prior to the January Annual General Meeting.

42          The order of play for Teams and the names of Competitors competing in the Final Day of Cup competitions must be sent to the County Competition Secretary when requested. Cup/Rose Bowl to be named 10 person and 4 named reserves, all named players and named reserves must play before any other club member. Mason Cup Teams to be named 8 person and 4 named reserves, all named players and named reserves must play before any other club member.  Left hand side of programme will be blue numbers and odd jacks.  Right hand side of programme will be red numbers and even jacks.  (Semi final and Final only).  In the Semi Final and Final Players are to adhere to British Crown Green Bowling Association dress code.

43    Dress Code for all players (Seniors, Juniors,  Ladies and Veterans)

                Trousers to be single coloured black only stud, rivets and  zip pockets are not allowed nor are external pockets on the                             legs.  Tailored shorts must be knee length single coloured  black stud, rivets and zip pockets are not allowed nor are                        external    pockets on the legs  .Suitable footwear must be  worn.  Hard blocked or open toed footwear must not be worn                   whilst on the green.  All shirts must be collared.  As per B.C.G.B.A.  Handbook page 35




     1.     This event shall be known as the ‘South Yorkshire County Gents Pairs’ and will be played off on one day, unless the County      Management Committee decide otherwise.

     2.     Only registered playing members of an affiliated club shall be allowed to enter.  Pairs are accepted if they are members of           different clubs, any bowler who has played in any other County Association Individual competition shall not be eligible to play in any South Yorkshire County Competitions.

     3.     At no stage of this competition will any player be allowed to play on a green of which they are a member..

     4.     No entries will be allowed after the CLOSING DATE.

     5.     All games shall be 21 up off scratch and drawn at   green side 

    6.     The ‘South Yorkshire County Gents Pairs’ shall be held annually, the date and venue(s) of the event to be determined by the County Management Committee.

    7.     There will be an entry fee per pair; the County Management Committee will determine this annually.

    8.     If a pair fails to appear when called upon will be scratched after 10 minutes.

    9.     The toss of a coin will determine the cast of the jack.  

  10.     Players are to adhere to British Crown Green Bowling Association dress code in this competition 




1.   This event shall be known as the ‘South Yorkshire County Mixed Pairs’ and will be played off on one day, unless the County Management Committee decide otherwise.

2.     Only registered playing members of an affiliated club shall be allowed to enter, Pairs are accepted if they are members of different clubs, any bowler who has played in any other County Association Individual competition shall not be eligible to play in any South Yorkshire County Competitions.

3.     At no stage of this competition will any player be allowed to play on a green of which they are a playing member.

4.     No entries will be allowed after the CLOSING DATE.

5.    All games shall be 21 up off three and drawn at greenside.

6.    The ‘South Yorkshire County Mixed Pairs’ shall be held annually, the date and venue(s) of the event to be determined by the County Management Committee.

7.    There will be an entry fee per pair;  the County Management Committee will determine this annually.

8.     If a pair fails to appear when called upon will be scratched after 10 minutes.

9.    The toss of a coin will determine the cast of the jack.

10.  Players are to adhere to British Crown Green Bowling Association dress code in this competition.




1.   This event shall be known as the ‘South Yorkshire County Triples’ and will be played off on one day, unless the County Management Committee decide otherwise.

2.   Only registered playing members of an affiliated club shall be allowed to enter Triples are accepted if they are members of different clubs, any bowler who has played in any other County Association Individual competition shall not be eligible to play in any South Yorkshire County Competitions.

3.  At no stage of this competition will any player be allowed to play on a green of which they are a playing member.

4.  No entries will be allowed after the CLOSING DATE.

5.  All games shall be 21 up off five and drawn at green side. 

6. The ‘South Yorkshire County Triples’ shall be held annually, the date and venue(s) of the event to be determined by the County Management Committee.

7.  There will be an entry fee per Triples; the County Management Committee will determine this annually.

8.   If a Triples fails to appear when called upon will be scratched after 10 minutes..

9.    The toss of a coin will determine the cast of the jack. 

10.   Players are to adhere to British Crown Green Bowling Association dress code in this competition.

Junior Merit & Handicap



1.   This event shall be known as the ‘South Yorkshire County Junior Merit’ and will be open to Juniors who shall not have reached  the age of 18 years on the 1st January of the year of competition and the event will be played off on one day, unless the County Management Committee decide otherwise.

2.   Only Junior registered members from an affiliated club shall be allowed to enter. Any bowler who has played in any other County Associations Individual competitions shall not be eligible to play in any South Yorkshire County competitions.

3.   At no stage of this competition will any player be allowed to play on a green of which they are a playing member or Social member.

4.  All games shall be 21 up and drawn at green side and start will be at the discretion of the officials on the  day.  The ‘South Yorkshire County Junior  Merit ’shall be  held annually, the date and venue(s) of the event to be determined by the County Management Committee.          

5.   There will be no entry fee per player; Prize money will be provided by sponsorship.

6.   If a player fails to appear when called upon they will be scratched after 10 minutes.

7.   The toss of a coin will determine the cast of the jack.

8.   Players are to adhere to British Crown Green Bowling Association dress code in this competition. 







1.   This event shall be known as the ‘South Yorkshire County ‘Handicap’.

2.  Only registered playing members of an affiliated club shall be allowed to enter, any bowler has played in any other County Association Individual competition shall not be eligible to play in any South Yorkshire County Competitions.

3.   At no stage of this competition will any player be allowed to play on a green of which they are a member.

4.   The County Committee shall determine the player’s handicap for the final day.

5.   No entries will be allowed after the CLOSING DATE.

6.   All games shall be 21 up and drawn at green side (including District Rounds) and start at 6.15pm except for the final.

7.   The ‘South Yorkshire County ‘Handicap’ shall be held annually, the date and venue(s) of the event to be determined by the County  Management Committee.

8.   There will be an entry fee per player; the County Management Committee will determine this annually.

9.   If a player fails to appear when called upon will be scratched.

10. The toss of a coin will determine the cast of the jack. 

11. The Finals night will be 8 bowlers starting at 7pm.

12.  Players are to adhere to British Crown Green Bowling Association dress code in this competition.




1.    This event shall be known as the ‘South Yorkshire Veterans County Merit’ and will be open to Ladies and Gents who have attained the age of 60 years before the date of the County Heat the event will be played off on one day, unless the County Management Committee decide otherwise.

2.  Only registered playing members of an affiliated club shall be allowed to enter, any bowler has played in any other County Association Individual competition shall not be eligible to play in any South Yorkshire County Competitions.

3.     At no stage of this competition will any player be allowed to play on a green of which they are a playing member.

4.     No entries will be allowed after the CLOSING DATE.

5.     All games shall be 21 up off Three and drawn at  green side.

6.   The ‘South Yorkshire Veterans County Merit’ shall be held annually, the date and venue(s) of the event to be determined by the County Management Committee.

7.    There will be an entry fee per player;  the County Management Committee will determine this annually.

8.     If a player fails to appear when called upon will be scratched after 10 minutes..

9.    The toss of a coin will determine the cast of the jack. 

10.   Players are to adhere to British Crown Green Bowling  Association dress code in this competition .




1.   This event shall be known as the ‘South Yorkshire Senior County Merit’ and will be open to Gents and the event will be played off in districts and then a finals day, unless the County Management Committee decide otherwise.

2.   Only male’s registered members from an affiliated club shall be allowed to enter. Any bowler who has played in any other County Associations Individual competitions shall not be eligible to play in any South Yorkshire County competitions.

3.    At no stage of this competition will any player be allowed to play on a green of which they are a playing member or Social member.

4.    All games shall be 21 up and drawn at green side (Including District rounds).

5.    No entries will be allowed after the CLOSING DATE.

6.    The ‘South Yorkshire Senior County Merit’ shall be held annually, the date and venue(s) of the event to be determined by the County Management Committee.

7.    There will be an entry fee per player; the County Management Committee will determine this annually.

8.     If a player fails to appear when called upon they will be scratched.

9.     The toss of a coin will determine the cast of the jack.

10.    Players are to adhere to British Crown Green Bowling Association dress code in this competition. 



1.   This event shall be known as the ‘South Yorkshire Ladies County Merit’ and will be open to Ladies and the event will be played    off on one day, unless the County Management Committee decides otherwise.

2.   Only ladies registered members from an affiliated club shall be allowed to enter. Any bowler who has played in any other County  Associations Individual competitions shall not be eligible to play in any South Yorkshire County competitions.

3.   Only registered playing members of an affiliated club shall be allowed to enter, any bowler opting for another County Association  as their main County other than the South Yorkshire C.C.G.B.A. shall not be eligible to play.

4.  At no stage of this competition will any player be allowed to play on a green of which they are a playing member or Social    member.

5.   All games shall be 21 up and drawn at green side. 

6.   No entries will be allowed after the CLOSING DATE.

7.  The ‘South Yorkshire Ladies County Merit’ shall be held annually, the date and venue(s) of the event to be determined by the  County Management Committee. There will be an entry fee per player; the County Management Committee will determine this  annually.

8.   If a player fails to appear when called upon they will be scratched.

9.   The toss of a coin will determine the cast of the jack.

10.  Players are to adhere to British Crown Green Bowling Association dress code in this competition.

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